Monday, February 27, 2006
vanity fair

After Danceworks, endorsing Carl's Jr.

Fen looks really cute here!

Pit-stop at Raffles City's Coffee Club.

My new hair colour. Thank goodness it's no longer an ugly shade of orange.
There must be something wrong with me because I quite like the smell of hair dye mixed with my year-old leave-on conditioner plus a spritz of Island Kiss. It's got this heady smell to it that's all feminine and flirty. Hrmmph. Obsessed with smells now after helping Zhi with her ZMET project. Anyway, I haven't put on Island Kiss for about half a year or so, and putting it on again now feels much like coming home.
It brings back old memories, and strangely enough these memories are coming alive again, for better or for worse. Only time will tell.
Now I shall get on with Tax project research / TWC project reading up / TWC homework / Fixed Income homework / MPW readings / MPW project research. Or else sleep.
mon has bin bad at 9:49:00 PM
Sunday, February 26, 2006
NJ should've won
Danceworks. At least out of all the teams I saw yesterday. And it's really not fair that they didn't get anything. Really. I'm not biased either because I was expecting them to suck and yet they blew me away with the costume, the concept, and the style.
Heard from Fen that CJ got first and well, I really can't understand why. I expected better of them. Didn't really like their pink-beige costume either, hurts my eyes.
Oh well... my words don't count for nuts because I'm not the judges.
Overall the performances were sleep-inducing, and maybe I'm getting on with age because I found the stage games kinda dumb.
OK, 'nuff of bitching. Walked around Marina Square, Suntec, Citylink, Raffles City and Orchard with Syd yesterday. Boy, did we cover a lot of grounds or what? Walked all the way from Orchard MRT to Heeren, window-shopping all the way. We bought identical hats in different colours from Heeren. They look like what Topshop is selling but were half the price.
Also bought my little grey tutu skirt. I checked - the one I purchased was in the best condition. The rest had frays around and whatnot. I'd better take good care of this piece. It's kinda fragile. Hopefully it won't look too tattered after the Fort Minor concert.
Syd's coming over today to colour my hair. Yeah yeah... I know the point of DIY kits is that you're supposed to Do It Yourself. But I can't Do It Myself because I don't trust myself to not do it patchily. It's easier to Do It Yourself for other people because at least you've got a bird's eye view of the whole thing. Whereas if you Do It Yourself for yourself, you can't even see the back of your head.
mon has bin bad at 9:35:00 AM
Saturday, February 25, 2006
dude... NO WAY.
Can my life be anymore perfect right now? First of all, Uncle G shocked me with winning a Motorola contest to get free tix to the upcoming Fort Minor concert. He won VIP seats and invites to the pre-concert party. Then one day after, PWC called me to say they have offered me a place.
Oh my.
I'm overwhelmed.
And today I'm gonna have a fun time with Syd and I'm gonna get my little grey tutu skirt from the Marina Sq branch of Zara. Jing bought the exact same one (she was actually anxious enough to rush to the Liat branch and get it there instead of reserving like a cool composed adult ie. me). Haha.
OK. Now she's got me worried. What if someone's bought my reserved piece, after seeing it at the back of the counter? What if the reserved piece wasn't a new piece? What if it's a tatty old one? What if they reserved
the wrong size?
I'm not gonna breathe easy 'til I get my hands on it...
::JING: says:
i'm like half naked in my room now
::JING: says:
sshhh. says:
sshhh. says:
sshhh. says:
sshhh. says:
eh im thinkin when i should perm ma hair
::JING: says:
i am still naked
::JING: says:
::JING: says:
where u wann do it
::JING: says:
sshhh. says:
sshhh. says:
sshhh. says:
sshhh. says:
sshhh. says:
shld be yess
sshhh. says:
but i scared they spoil it
sshhh. says:
or dun do it properly
sshhh. says:
or it turns out v v curly
::JING: says:
::JING: says:
i think its called some jap perm
::JING: says:
no no
::JING: says:
not tt
::JING: says:
::JING: says:
u ask la
::JING: says:
even if quite curly but semi permanent
::JING: says:
shud be better after awhile
::JING: says:
sshhh. says:
sshhh. says:
sshhh. says:
ill just go n ask first
::JING: says:
::JING: says:
::JING: says:
sshhh. says:
sshhh. says:
u repeat that one more time n im gonna post this on my blog
::JING: says:
::JING: says:
sshhh. says:
::JING: says:
::JING: says:
sshhh. says:
sshhh. says:
mon has bin bad at 10:03:00 AM
Thursday, February 23, 2006
remember the cow dung?
Jing - I'm immersed in it again. Damn cows. Yet why am I laughing? Hopefully it's not out of hysteria.
I am going for it. I am going for exchange. (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I have submitted my application.
The compulsion to go gripped me early in the morning of the application deadline. Well, maybe not that early. I remember rubbing eye-booger out of my eyes at around... 11 am? Yeah, whatever. That's not the point. The point is... I'M GOING!!!!!!! And I was so stuffed to the brim with excitement that I finished the application process in a record time of... 15 minutes. I think having to rush to go for driving lesson helped.
Y & G, I'm sorry I didn't tell you first! There didn't seem to be time to pause until now.
To my two most kooky buddies, I sincerely hope we all get it.
mon has bin bad at 10:01:00 AM
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
the obvious glaring fault in me
Sorry for backing out on exchange. Got swept through by the current and when I started questioning myself it just unravelled. And honestly speaking, it was a difficult decision. Even now I still feel torn, and I can feel my heart literally aching from all this self-perpetuated confusion.
I pulled out of internship applications.
I prolonged guys' agony.
The thing is, I'm just afraid of committing myself into something... anything. And then when I do commit, I'm afraid of getting hurt, getting rejected, feeling not-so-great.
So I numb myself, and I avoid commitments.
This is how screwed up I am. And whoever loves me suffers.
I'm such a disappointment.
mon has bin bad at 1:34:00 AM
Saturday, February 18, 2006
is that golden mushroom growing out of your eyeball?
So my mum woke me up this morning with a freaky piece of news. Contact lens users must be familiar with the brand Bausch & Lomb? Apparently it may have been the cause of an increase in fungal infections in people (resulting in 7 corneal ops per month vs. 3 ops previously) and the company has decided to suspend sales indefinitely.
GAH! This is no joke!!! (Though I couldn't resist typing the golden mushroom crack above.)
Now I'm really worried. Think I'd better go grab contact lens solution by another brand FAST.
On other, non-fungus related news: I should really be studying Tax / preparing for the upcoming PWC interview / doing up the overseas exchange application. But instead I am sitting on my bed blogging and contemplating going for a nice lunch outside. At Crystal Jade La Mian & XLB. Yummmm...
GAH! Somebody slap me!!! (Preferrably gently.)
And then today's my mum's birthday and also Yang's (
HAPPY BIRTHDAY YANG AND ENJOY THE DINNER TO WHICH I WAS NOT INVITED HUMPH) and soon I'll have to run around finding her flowers and possibly a handbag as per my Dad's instruction. He'll be giving me a budget but I'm not sure if it'll be in the range of Coach / Lulu Guinness or, erm, Perllini.
GAH! I've got no time to run around!!! (And knowing my mother, whatever we buy for her she'll complain that it's too expensive and that my dad is crazy and that she doesn't NEED it.)
So anyway all I wanna do now is to see you and I feel like such a little girl and I have no idea why I feel like I'm floating up on air and this is just silly and not at all logical or sensible and I can't wait but I will because I know I'll see you in the end. ........ Ugh. Sounding giddy does not become me.
I like this picture! Our hair's so pretty... But Teng Ren looks half-drunk. Haha.
In full bloom.
mon has bin bad at 11:56:00 AM
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Patron's Day


mon has bin bad at 3:39:00 PM
Sunday, February 12, 2006
previously on desperate homeboys
Well, okay. I wish he'd find this blog. Then maybe he'll finally, finally,
finally get the idea. Tried to cancel the date so many times! And then, he still wanted to pass flowers to me tomorrow after my Patron's Day performance. When I said no, he wanted to go to my 'crib' and pass them to me. I said no again, and then he sounded damn morose that I feel really sorry for him.
AAAAARRRGGHHHH don't play the guilt game on me!
Like I said to Jess and Syd, persistence is great when shown by a guy you actually like, but it's really annoying if it's coming from someone you're trying to turn down. If nothing else, it makes you feel that you're being all the more bitchy because the soft approach doesn't work.
mon has bin bad at 11:45:00 PM
Saturday, February 11, 2006
my freaky valentine
Is it normal to be freaked out by your V-Day date? Hmm. I didn't even intend for it to happen. It's kinda... circumstancial. Driven by guilt and pity. Man, if he finds this blog I'm D.E.A.D. That'll be me splashed out on the front cover of New Paper (because Straits Times wouldn't bother), posing a (literally) deadly pose with a machette.
I may need more than one emergency call to release me from screaming agony. Thank goodness I have a lovely dinner with my evil twin to look forward to afterwards.
If Syd's right, I'll be the most unfashionable entity in SMU on V-Day as I won't be carrying a bouquet of flowers around.
This is singlehood... Am starting to regret breaking up with V-Day just round the corner! What imperfect timing. Sigh. A really bad period to act heartless. And dare I say it? I miss HIM aka Gary. I miss his distinct scent and the effortless cuddles (now that I think about it, our cuddles always leave me in an awkward position... but I get used to it). But mostly I miss the feeling of being in love with him, like how I was last year. It's totally different now... Think it's impossible to go back there again.
My emotions are so screwed up now that I might even fall in love with Mr. Machette... *pauses to think* Or NOT. One of the reasons why:
Background: MSN chat, I was telling him about Emix's upcoming Patron's Day performance.Mr. Machette: So what are you guys wearing?
Me: Just cropped top and baggy pants...
Mr. Machette: Oh I see. Wear a wristband. And don't forget the cap. The cap is very important for hip-hop performances.
Me: Oh yeah okay.
Things I could've said but didn't because I was being nice:1. Actually, our choreographer wanted our hair down and messed up; only the boys are wearing caps. Plus, we'd be wearing colour-coordinated stockings as sleeves so a wristband will be totally off.
2. You're not a dancer, so shut up.
3. I'm not about to take style tips from a Chinese guy who wants to sound black but can't quite pull it off.
I HATE being told what to do by guys who are totally clueless. And I HATE posers and I HATE poser-wannabes even more. And I HATE being arranged a V-Day date without me even being consulted to see whether I'd be okay with it. Like, HELLO, why do you presume that I'd wanna spend it with YOU?
Hmmm okay. What I typed above are pretty mean words. Which goes to reflect how frustrated I am because otherwise I'd keep mum (and just bitch silently).
So if he finds this blog...
To be continued.
mon has bin bad at 10:50:00 PM
Thursday, February 09, 2006
inside the evil mind of a dirty dirty girl all covered up in cow dung
It all started... as an inside joke...

Tsk, tsk, tsk. Ms Jing! Please use words such as excretion or else refuse or else dung rather than...
shit. I am absolutely appalled!
Irk is such a nice, expressive word. Saying
you irk me has a much better effect than saying
you annoy me.
Irk gives the statement that special British-snooty-flared-nose
umph! that is required when trying to bring the message across.
You irk me like the sight of cow dung melting on top of my favourite boots.
When will I ever learn that love can't be brought out of pity. I am such a fool. I am the black and white joker inside your set of playing cards.
The perfect night. The breeze, my favourite udon, and you online.Boys make girls cry and girls make girls cry. No way to stop the hurting, like you can't stop cows pooping.
MDA interview lasted an hour long and made me realize that the PWC one is gonna be even scarier. Better brush up on my Audit knowledge and learn more intelligent-sounding vocabulary. Note to self: no '
like's or '
erm's or fake laughs! Confidence! Think King Kong, who I'm sure shall not be disheartened even if cow dung fell onto his head.
I have been told that more people than I know of read my blog and it's rather strange to think that every word I have typed here may have been judged at some point. Well, I don't mind more peeps reading. Cos what's the use of writing if nobody sees it? (Of course exception is one's deepest darkest secret writings where one would unleash the inner self and reveal stuff like how one enjoy the squishiness of cow dung... or something.)
Disclaimer: In case cow activists get offended that I mentioned cow dung so much, I have nothing against cows. I like cows, medium rare.
mon has bin bad at 10:29:00 PM
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
it's time for changes
17 applicants and I am one of The Chosen Ones. Call me Neo. Anyway, have another interview lined up for tomorrow (of all days!) with the MDA. Meh. My heart tells me I don't want to go but my head tells me the logical and courteous thing to do is to follow through with it. Go wit da flow. And stuff like dat. Yo. Ah... but it's gonna make tomorrow so darn packed with driving, interview, searching for dance costume, and then going for dance. Will need to bring an extra set of smarty-pants clothes and shoes for the interview so God knows how I'm gonna carry all the stuff.
On a whole different note, for a while I've been thinking about whether I've made the right choice in letting go of Gary. I mean, as far as break-ups go this is hardly on the level of I-want-to-jump-off-a-building type of heartache. But still, V Day is approaching and it suddenly dawned on me that I'll be alone. And it felt weird. Because he's always been
there... When he's not doing Asoc stuff or going for friends' birthday celebrations, that is.
But then today, something happened. As I was walking home from Raffles City, I saw that the Mango outlet there was closed. Curious, I walked closer and read a notice of relocation to Marina Square. And then it came to me... this is a sign. A wake-up call letting me know that it's time for changes, that NOTHING is constant, not even the Mango outlet at Raffles City.
And I felt peace.
mon has bin bad at 10:27:00 PM
Saturday, February 04, 2006
the chronicles of life and death
LifeCelebrated Kunz's 21st yesterday. 'Twas a fun night indeed. Started off with dinner and we had North- and South-Indian cuisine. I don't know the names of any of the dishes, all I can say is the ladyfinger curry was really nice. All sweet and rich and goes well with the naan (?) bread. The fried onion cracker was quite yummy as well. And then there was the cauliflower dish - a hot favourite of the table, though I thought it was too sweet. Overall it was a nice treat from the birthday girl - thanks so much Kunz!
And guess what, the treat didn't end there. We headed to Phuture afterwards and Kunz got us all a Blowjob. Sad to say I'm not very expert in drinking it because much of the whipped cream was left behind, even after I've made every effort to lick it in the most unglam fashion. Haha. We also had lychee martinis courtesy of Candace, some coupon house pours, and then Syd, Mich, Celine and I shared a few Sex On The Beach. Kunz was progressively high thanks to 3 Flamings though I didn't get to see the hilarity at the end as me and Syd went off first.
Of course, we danced (despite the rather off-colour music) and were surrounded by HOARDES of guys within seconds, due to my dancing companions being the HAWT babes that they are. I like Fen's style of dancing - so hip-hop! Babe, teach me some of your moves 'n grooves!
Happy 21st, Kunz. Hopefully you enjoyed the night as much as, or even more than, we did. Thank you for celebrating it with us. We love you loads!
DeathToday.The best place for jerks is six feet under.
mon has bin bad at 7:08:00 PM